Sometimes, you have a story to tell.

Simple, minimal, spartan – words that convey the idea of distilling life to its essence. I love Mari Kondo’s philosophy: hold onto that which brings you joy, and remove the rest from your life. The same holds for creating images, no matter what the medium.

Coffee is a universal comfort - found around the world, brewed in a variety of ways, and always delicious!

I have always loved airports because they represent the gateway to the world. Over the years I've made a habit of trying to capture an image of every airport I've visited. While I've missed quite a few, I've also captured quite a few.

In August of 2017, Pittsburgh saw about an 80% eclipse, along with another 80% cloud cover. When it did finally peek through, it was worth the wait! (Sony ⍺6000, Apple iPhone 7 Plus)

This 2017 essay is a collection of iPhone 7 Plus images of textures from Pittsburgh's Phipps Conservatory. What a long way the humble mobile phone camera has come! (Apple iPhone 7 Plus)

Pennsylvania is a rural state. Even though we live less than 20 miles from the cultural center of Pittsburgh, we are surrounded by farms and small towns. This essay explores these rural landscapes.

The Shaler North Hills Library, just north of the city of Pittsburgh, has been our gracious host for Art & Inspiration International for many years. This 2016 essay explores the beauty of this place. (Sony ⍺6000, Leica D109)