The Art of Travel - Photography From Around The World

Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

Artist Statement

I’ve been fortunate to travel the world, always with a camera in one hand, usually a cup of coffee in the other. Several years ago, I closed the book on my career as an electrical engineer and am now free to explore the world with the eyes of an artist.  Photography is often expected to be a documentary representation of what the photographer saw.  As an artist, however, I seek to create images with a sense of place, interest, moment, drama, beauty.  Through the digital darkroom, I embrace the freedom to shape an image to realize the full potential of a scene, with no apologies.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. I am really impressed. What a full and interesting life you have led. Can’t wait for further adventures and accomplishments.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words! After a long quiet period I’m starting ramp up again, and even get out of the house occasionally ;-). I’ll be posting some updates soon. Thanks, hope you will be back in your home soon after Hurricane Ian.

  2. Can you tell which one of the think tank bags you had at the presentation at the Pittsburgh Photo presentation two weeks ago. Thanks

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