Sometimes, you direct the story.
Collections of the work that makes me happiest.
Thumbnails & Tiles
Basic Thumbnails (OK)
Pro Thumbnail Grid (OK)
Pro Masonry Thumbnail (broken – continuously scans)
Pro Film (broken – funky layout)
Pro Mosaic Thumbnails (broken – doesn’t display at all)
Pro Tile (broken – boundary problem – removed because it clobbers other galleries)
Basic Slideshow
Basic Imagebrowser (broken)
Basic Tag Cloud (indexes all NextGEN galleries)
- 1977
- 1978
- A&II
- Airshow
- Argentina
- Arizona
- Art & Inspiration International
- Athens
- Atom_Smasher
- AZ
- Ben Nevis
- Brasil
- Brazil
- Buenos Aires
- Chuck Olson
- Dennis Keyes
- Dover AFB
- Eclipse
- Ecuador
- Ellen Gozion
- event
- Fine Art
- Galapagos
- Gathering
- Grand Canyon
- Honoring Creative Spirit
- Israel
- Kincaid St Community Garden
- Lonnie Graham
- Luxembourg City
- Mystery Hill
- Paris Airshow
- Pittsburgh
- Pittsburgh Soapmakers Gathering 2016
- Salon
- Scotland
- Shaler
- Shaler North Hills Library
- Taliesin West
- Tierra del Fuego
- Ushuaia